Christmas came early

Sealey Soda Blaster

Sealey Soda Blaster

I’ve got a new toy, and it’s brilliant!

I knew that I was going to need to do a lot of blasting, and when I looked at what I needed to do on the bike, I saw it was mainly paint/corrosion stripping on a range of alloys. I had a look around the Internet, and a lot of people were talking about Soda Blasting. Some people said it was good, some people weren’t too sure about it. After a lot of reading, and finding a Sealey starter kit on special I decided to take the plunge.

RD350 YPVS Cylinder Head

RD350 YPVS Cylinder Head

Today, I got it set up and set about stripping the paint off of my clutch case and cylinder head. As it was my first outing with the kit, I wasn’t sure how ferocious it was going to be, so I practised on a beer can first! (unfortunately the can was empty :-() After a few tweaks on the air pressure (I found 70 PSI to be good) and a tweak on the Soda flow tap, I got the hang of it and started on my clutch cover.

RD350 Clutch Cover

RD350 Clutch Cover

The clutch cover didn’t have that much paint on it, the paint that was left on it was in difficult areas to get a wire brush into. So off I went, full blast (sorry for the pun).

The paint came off really easily and because the Soda is kind to the alloy, the mating faces were not damaged in the least, just nice and clean once I’d finished.

Yamaha RD350 Clutch Cover Soda Blasted

Yamaha RD350 Clutch Cover Soda Blasted

After blasting, it is a simple case of blowing the Soda out  with the air line and washing the part. The good thing with Soda is that it dissolves in liquid so there is no need to worry that grit will make its way into your engine destroying all of your good work.

Yamaha RD350 Soda Blasted Cylinder Head

Yamaha RD350 Soda Blasted Cylinder Head

Just a note, if your part contains bearings, it’s a good idea to use a solvent based liquid to wash your part. I chose to use a 50/50 mix if paraffin and diesel which works for me.

If anyone in Guernsey wants me to blast something, just drop me a line and I’m sure we can work something out 🙂

2 thoughts on “Christmas came early

    • Hi Paul, sorry for the delay getting back to you. I’ve decided to just do my own blasting. It’s quite expensive to do it on a small scale and wouldn’t be commercially viable to do other people’s work. Sorry about that.

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